The Trance Dance, or Dance of the Spirit, is a spiritual practice used by ancient cultures worldwide, not only for recreational purposes but for re-creation and healing through movements in a state of presence.
Creating your own mask is a very powerful ritual, complementary to the Trance Dance.
The mask is a symbol that trascend personality and the image, so that you can become everything or everyone you choose to be.
This one full-day journey is divided in three parts:
MORNING-THEORY: you will learn about Brainwaves and how the brain works, how to change the state of consciousness with music, what the Trance Dance is, and how to create the Mask.
AFTERNOON-CREATION: meditation session to focus and create your own Mask/Metamorphosis.
NIGHT-EXPERIENCE: you will enjoy three hours of Ritual Dance to reach a trance state while hearing and dancing with designed music. Will follow a 30-minute of deep sound journey to complete the experience.
All the music is designed with specific tuning, rhythm, frequencies and brainwaves entrainment to change the state of consciousness.
LOCATION: Portugal, Europe or worldwide upon request
Language available: English, Spanish or Italian.
Workshop duration: 1 full day.
More info about Trance here.
Contact me for price and availability!

The Trance Dance, or Dance of the Spirit, is a spiritual practice used by ancient cultures worldwide, not only for recreational purposes but for re-creation and healing through movements in a state of presence.
This journey is divided in two parts:
THEORY : you will learn the Brainwaves and how the brain works, how to change the state of consciousness by music and what the Trance Dance is.
EXPERIENCE : you will enjoy two hours of Trance in Dance (with a blindfold ) to reach a trance state while dancing with designed music. Will follow a 30-minute of deep sound journey to complete the experience.
All the music is designed with specific tuning, rhythm, frequencies and brainwaves entrainment to change the state of consciousness.
LOCATION: Portugal, Europe or worldwide upon request
Language available: English, Spanish or Italian.
Workshop duration: approx. 6 hours.
More info about Trance here.
Contact me for price and availability!


AKROASIS or aκρóασis is a Greek term meaning “hearing.” It suggests a more holistic approach to listening, hence, listening as a form of thinking.
This one-day workshop is divided in three parts:
Morning, after a meditation with specific sounds, we will discover the hidden world of music, what sound really is, how the harmonics work and the visible effects of music in the matter (Cymatics);
Afternoon, we will explore how the brain an thoughts works, how change the state of consciousness by music and how the frequencies can heal the body;
Night, you will experience the power of sound in two different journeys: 45 minutesTrance Dance (with a blindfold) to reach a trance state and to release different emotions; afterwards you will have 30 minutes of Sound journey listen to specific sound frequencies to lower the brainwaves from Beta to Theta and to stimulate 8 Hz (brainwave entrainment), connect to a deep introspection and intuition, where the senses will withdrawn from the external world and focused on signals originating from within.
Workshop duration: approx. 8 hours.
Contact me for more informations (available in Portugal, Europe or worldwide).

AKROASIS o aκρóασis è un termine greco che significa "ascoltare". Suggerisce un approccio più olistico all'ascolto, in particolare, ascoltare come una forma di pensiero.
Questo workshop della durata di un giorno è diviso in tre parti:
Mattina, dopo una meditazione con suoni specifici, inizieremo a scoprire il mondo nascosto della musica, cosa sono veramente il suono e le vibrazioni, come funzionano le armoniche e vedremo gli effetti della musica visibili nella materia (Cimatica);
Pomeriggio, esploreremo come funziona il cervello e i pensieri, come cambiare lo stato di coscienza attraverso la musica e come le frequenze possono guarire il corpo;
Sera, sperimenteremo il potere del suono in due diversi viaggi: 45 min. di Trance Dance (con occhi bendati) per raggiungere uno stato di trance e rilasciare emozioni danzando; dopodiché ci saranno 30 minuti di Sound jouney dove ascolterai specifiche frequenze sonore per abbassare le onde cerebrali da Beta a Theta e per stimolare gli 8 Hz (brainwave entrainment), connessi ad una profonda introspezione e intuizione, dove i sensi saranno ritirati dal mondo esterno e focalizzati sui segnali provenienti dall'interno.
Durata del workshop: circa 8 ore.
Contattami per avere più informazioni (disponibile in Portogallo, Europa o nel mondo).

AKROASIS o aκρóασis es una palabra griega que significa "escuchar". Sugiere un enfoque más holístico en el escuchar, en particular, escuchar como una forma de pensamiento.
Este taller de un día se divide en tres partes:
Mañana, después de una meditación con sonidos específicos, vamos a empezar a descubrir el mundo oculto de la música, lo que realmente es el sonido y la vibración, los armónicos, y los efectos de la música visible en la materia (Cimatica);
Tarde, exploraremos cómo funcionan cerebro y pensamientos, cómo cambiar el estado de conciencia a través de la música y cómo las frecuencias pueden sanar el cuerpo;
Noche, experimentarás el poder del sonido en dos viajes diferentes: 45 minutos de Trance Dance (con ojos vendados) para alcanzar un estado de trance y liberar emociones mediante el baile; a seguir 30 minutos de Sound journey escuchando frecuencias específicas para reducir las ondas cerebrales desde Beta a Theta y estimular 8 Hz (brainwave entrainment), conectados a una profunda introspección y intuición, donde los sentidos se retiran del mundo exterior y se enfocan en las señales originados desde el interior.
Duraciòn del curso: aprox. 8 horas
Contáctame para más información (disponible en Portugal, Europa y en todo el mundo).